Ten tips to get the best from your raised garden bed – Part 2

Following on from last weeks post, here are tips 6-10.   6. Building the right soil mix Rather than using soil from your garden, opt for a soil mix. Usually, soil mixes are blends of peat moss, compost and bark. Use a mix of vermiculite, peat moss and blended compost. This will make a growing […]

Ten tips to get the best from your raised garden bed – Part 1

Adding a raised garden bed in your backyard not only allows you to use small garden space effectively, it also lets you have a great growing medium for flowering plants and vegetables. In fact, raised bed gardening is perfect for those looking for bounty harvest of flowers and veggies without spending too much. It also […]

5 tips to your healthiest garden ever

Do you love gardening, but find that getting the healthiest and happiest garden just doesn’t happen for you? You are not alone. Unless you are born with a green thumb, or an experienced gardener, the dream garden may just seem completely unattainable. You may go through many mishaps, and gardening can be full of trial […]

Preparing your garden shed for winter

Here in New Zealand, our harsh winters can really take a toll on your garden shed. If you’re not careful, your shed can develop leaks and other damage from excess snow and ice on the rooftop and leaves in the drainage system. Now is the time to prepare your garden shed for winter, and your […]

Why cheap garden sheds aren’t good value

If you’re in need of additional storage space, you may be tempted to consider cheap garden sheds to help you solve this dilemma. Inexpensive sheds could provide you with much-needed storage space rather quickly; however, they could come with their own set of problems. Here are some reasons why you should reconsider cheap storage buildings […]

Gardening tips for autumn 2014

Autumn is the prefect time to work in your garden, whether it is a flower, fruit, or vegetable patch, there is plenty for you to do. Whether you are planning to continue with winter vegetables or revitalise the soil with nutrients there are essential steps that you should take now. Follow these simple gardening tips […]

My experience of building a kitset garden shed

The big day has arrived. You have just received the shed that you ordered in perfect condition. Now it’s time to erect it! Your ‘better-half’s’ telling you to call that number the website has to order the assembly guys. You pick up the phone, start to dial then stop mid-action… the weekend is just around […]

Sheds for sale: Garden shed shopping

In these modern times shopping has become an art. A good buy is an investment that pays for a long time. Unfortunately choosing anything from a wide variety has always been my weak point. And I am pretty sure I am not the only one going through this dilemma. So, every time I decide to […]

Wooden garden sheds: Keeping the fairytale alive

In this day and age of steel and iron clad cold structures, some contact with nature is always a welcome change. Short of going all out and having a complete camping holiday in the great outdoors, there aren’t many options available to us today of having pure contact with nature. Even the public gardens in […]

Garden beds are a great addition to any garden

Whether you are an experienced or a beginning gardener, you will want two things from your garden: attractiveness and productivity. As any gardener knows, there are many obstacles on the way to those two things. You will be required to work hard and implement the right measures to ensure that your crops flourish. Raised garden […]