Gardening Resolutions For 2023

As the year comes to a close, you are likely looking around your home and garden, thinking of ways to improve their appearance without much effort. In particular, our gardens are a vital part of our properties, adding to the overall feel of our homes and allowing us to step into nature ever so often.

So you may be looking through gardening articles or even considering shopping for garden sheds in New Plymouth in the next few weeks. This article can help you set realistic and manageable goals for 2023.

Become More Water-conscious 

Although saving water when gardening seems far-fetched, it is possible with careful planning and little effort. Using grey water from the inside can make a significant difference, from collecting rainwater to emptying baths to mopped-up water. The key here is to ensure there are no chemicals, and it needs to be readily available. Drawing up a watering schedule is also advisable, as it can help you prepare in advance.

Invest In Seedlings 

Depending on the time of year, you can plant fruit and vegetable seedlings that can grow quickly and add to your quality of life. Not only is fresh produce straight from your garden organic, but it can also help you look at your garden in a new way and allows you to appreciate the space so much more. It also incentivises you to continue caring for and maintaining it regularly, which aids in its overall appearance.

Think About Storage 

Leaving your gardening tools outdoors, extra bags of soil, and even seeds is never recommended. Not only will your tools quickly deteriorate, but soil and seeds can also easily turn into mulch. A garden shed can provide adequate storage and help you protect your belongings for a longer period and keep a tidy outdoor space.

Embrace Nature Organically 

Pests can be bothersome, but they usually play an important role in the bigger ecosystem. Therefore, we encourage you to look into using organic gardening methods, avoiding harmful pesticides and embracing all the critters as they move freely. There are plenty of homemade, safe recipes to help against infestations and prevent colonies from building up.

For reliable, strong and easy-to-maintain garden sheds in New Plymouth, such as our Garden Master Sheds or Qwikbuild Sheds, look no further than the experts in the industry. We provide high-quality, secure and affordable options for every garden and budget. Contact us at The Garden Shed Company for a quote today.